895th Week: Noticing the “New You”

In a recent class I took through Lorian.org, we were presented with the thought that each time we bring something into our lives, be it a job, a development, an object, an accomplishment, a relationship, an activity, what comes to us brings with it a “new you”. The underlying idea is that we are changed by the things that enter our life, whatever those “things” may be.

I’ve been very taken with this idea, as it invited me to pay more attention to changes I might notice as I move through experiences and situations. For example, for a number of years, I’ve read about quantum physics and have had a commitment to move beyond my conditioned linear thinking. Starting in 1982, I began to experience and work with the optimal future self and optimal futures, and I offered this process to people as an inner journey to meet their optimal future self. As a result of diving even deeper into quantum dynamics, I found myself thinking one day about the way in which the optimal future arrives and arises in our lives without our necessarily being aware of the process.

This shift in my thinking orients more, now, to being open to receive my optimal future, based on the fact that quantum physics appears to demonstrate that there is an infinite array of possibilities moving in and out of manifest reality all the time. (As I write this, I can imagine the groans of quantum physicists…) 

Anyhow, for me this is an example of the “new you” dynamic of allowing something to deepen into my life, to affect my awareness and perceptions of the world around me. There can be much more subtle shifts pointing to a “new you”, as when you have a thought you’ve never had before, experience an understanding that hasn’t been accessible until now, find yourself orienting to an activity that didn’t interest you before…that kind of thing.

For this week’s practice in conscious living, I invite you to notice what you are calling into your life by the intentions you hold, where you place your attention, what activities you engage in, and also by the quality of your self-talk, the internal conversation you have with yourself. (Remember that self-talk is self-hypnosis and is equal to reinforcing intentions.) Then, notice what shows up in your life that reflects these aspects of your awareness and also notice any changes in yourself that may arise as a result of what has appeared or unfolded.

The key thing in this practice is to recognize that a “new you” is constantly emerging as you engage your life activities, wishes, and intentions. I personally find this a very exciting process, as it points to the fact that we are in constant interaction with the world around us and we are changed, enhanced, deepened by what we seek to create in our lives. This resonates with another “quantum” idea—that a process of emergence, of dynamic, creative change, is constant and manifesting new possibilities/expressions in us and in the world.

As I write this, I also recognize that a “new you” emerges when traumatic or other negative experiences happen in our lives, as well. We can’t move through these kinds of experiences without being changed in some way—sometimes for the better, as when we draw on post-traumatic resilience, and sometimes for the worst, when we experience post-traumatic stress. The key is to notice how we are changed because, as I’ve said so often in these practices, once we have awareness, we also have more potential for choice.

As you explore this practice, please bring along a couple of essential qualities. First, as always, bring along curiosity as your constant companion and also, as important, be sure to bring a commitment to being kind to yourself. Kindness to yourself supports  remembering to pat gently on the head any judgments that may arise, allowing them to move on through without your having to do anything with or about them.

Here’s an audio version of this practice, if you prefer to listen to it.