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2025 February Meditation
This month, we focus on noticing how our own radiating presence connects and interacts with the radiating presence of absolutely everything else. Also, we focus on becoming increasingly aware of the frequencies with which we resonate moment to moment. Because we participate in, and contribute to, collective consciousness, any frequency with which we resonate is automatically and spontaneously amplified.
Here’s the audio version of the meditation:
And, if you’d prefer a meditation with images of nature, here’s the YouTube version:

Offering Healing to Our Human Collective: A Guided Meditation
In this guided meditation, we offer healing energy to our distressed human collective. Using the imagery of a “love sandwich”, the light of the earth on the bottom, the density of distressed human collective consciousness in the middle, and higher-frequency energy at the top, we each become a point of light, offering healing frequencies to the dense middle. We are each one of many points of light helping to lessen the density of our collective consciousness so that the light from above and below can more freely flow in to offer the healing available from these larger, more powerful sources.

September 2018 Audio Meditation
Here’s the YouTube version of this meditation, with video accompaniment:

784th Week: Being Part of a Community
I feel very fortunate to have an opportunity to go to Central Park on some days to get exercise and to plop myself down on a bench where I have spent so much time over the years in meditation and contemplation with my tree friends. One of the things that I’ve noticed each time I’m in the park these days is how many people are jogging and walking without wearing masks. This got me to thinking about our participation as members of a community and how we have an ongoing opportunity to take responsibility for our part in supporting everyone around us.
As I pondered the question of why people aren’t wearing masks as they exercise and walk around Central Park, I could only imagine that they haven’t quite registered that we are wearing masks to protect one another. They aren’t really to protect ourselves, since most of us don’t have the kind of mask that will filter out viruses. The reason we are wearing them is because we could unknowingly be carriers of the virus and we are protecting everyone around us.
For this week’s practice, I invite all of us to be aware of our place within our communities. Wherever we live, we are part of a collective and we are responsible for our contributions to our community, however that might be arranged and however small or large those contributions. What I’d like to ask all of us to consider is how are we caring for our community? What practices do we bring to help support and protect those around us? In the building where I live in New York City we have active cases of the Covid virus, so all of us are asked to be sure to wear masks and gloves when interacting with the doormen and concierges in the lobby of this very large building and in the laundry room as a way to protect the people who work here, as well as to protect each other.
Read More “784th Week: Being Part of a Community”
701st Week: Revisiting the “Raincloud of Knowable Things”
I’ve written before about some of the basic teachings I received from my grandmother between the ages of 10 and 16, when she was my first spiritual teacher. One of the important things I took from those years was my understanding of what she called “the raincloud of knowable things”. Because she believed and lived in a sense of collective consciousness, her experience was that there is nothing in the world that “belongs” to any one person or group. In the “raincloud of knowable things”, all ideas, creative possibilities, deep understandings are available to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Read More “701st Week: Revisiting the “Raincloud of Knowable Things””