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2024 January Meditation
We’ll have two themes this year. The first half of the year will focus on the frequency of love as a universal force that supports healing into wholeness. This month, we’ll focus on love as a major healing force in the world and orienting to an open heart.
Here’s the YouTube version, if you would prefer to see images of nature as you meditate…
Week 660: Accessing Hope
The election in the U.S. and events unfolding in other countries around the world have been sources of anxiety and distress for many people. Sometimes, events escalate to the point where it feels possible to lose a sense of hope for the future. I’ve just finished participating in an on-line forum where we focused on subtle activism and how to engage change in ways of being and acting that don’t feed destructive emotions or tendencies. Read More “Week 660: Accessing Hope”
737th Week: Embracing Compassion and Insight
I post a daily inspirational quotation and nature photo each morning on Facebook and on the Devadana Sanctuary side of my Portal to Multidimensional Living that keeps coming back to me this morning, so I’d like to share it here, along with some resources that have inspired me recently. Here’s that quotation. It’s a long one, but it has two elements in it that will be the basis of this week’s practice:
“So in this time, the Shambhala warriors go into training in the use of two weapons. The weapons are compassionand insight. Both are necessary, the prophecy foretells. The Shambhala warriors must have compassionbecause it gives the juice, the power, the passion to move. It means not to be afraid of the pain of the world. Then you can open to it, step forward, act.
But that weapon by itself is not enough. It can burn you out, so you need the other you need insightinto the radical interdependence of all phenomena. With that wisdom you know that it is not a battle between “good guys” and “bad guys,” because the line between good and evil runs through the landscape of every human heart.
With insight into our profound inter-relatedness, you know that actions undertaken with pure intent have repercussions throughout the web of life, beyond what you can measure or discern. By itself, that insight may appear too cool, conceptual, to sustain you and keep you moving, so you need the heat of compassion. Together these two can sustain us as agents of wholesome change. They are gifts for us to claim now in the healing of our world.” ~ Joanna Macy Read More “737th Week: Embracing Compassion and Insight”
Week 642: Finding Stillness
Sitting in Central Park early in the morning, I notice the gift of being in the presence of the silence of trees. As I look at patterns of light and shadow playing on their trunks and branches, and on the ground around them, something in me settles even more. The silence, steadiness, and stillness of the trees Read More “Week 642: Finding Stillness”
769th Week: The Raincloud of Knowable Things
As a child, my grandmother was my first spiritual teacher and many of the things she taught me have stayed in my awareness over all these many years. One of the things she taught me I’ve written about before—the raincloud of knowable things. What continues to touch me about this concept is how vividly it reminds me that I’m never alone, that I am always and inevitably part of something much bigger than myself. In this case, it reminds me that I’m part of a vast collective consciousness that contains the wisdom of all humans across all time and that I and everyone else contributes to and draws from this collective all the time. This is an idea that has supported my work as a trauma specialist in psychotherapy and it is an idea that has given me hope even when things may have looked profoundly bleak.
It also touches into an experience that gets stronger for me as I age—that I am in community with a reciprocal environment all the time. I saw an illustration of this the other day as I walked across Central Park. I noticed a gentleman, early in the morning, taking cans and bottles out of the trash bins scattered throughout the park. It was a Monday morning, so the bins had quite a few offerings and I began to think about how this man’s activities support recycling, and that he contributes something meaningful that I usually wouldn’t know anything about. That got me to thinking about all the activities going on in my world that I don’t see and yet add to the quality and support of my life. It reminded me of the fact that, even at subtle levels, we constantly contribute to and draw from our collective environment.
Read More “769th Week: The Raincloud of Knowable Things”908th Week: Practicing with Frequencies
I cannot say enough about frequencies and the role they play in our quality of life. One of the practices I use to shift frequencies touches on elements used by HeartMath, where breathing in and out through the heart is a standard aspect of their practices and I’d like to share it with you for this week’s practice in conscious living. I began this particular practice as part of my daily self-care routine. It originally arose as a means to help me invite my blood pressure into the numbers that I want to have at this stage of my life. What I noticed when I did this practice is that it not only accomplished what I had in mind, it also relaxed my whole bodymind being. That response reminded me of the importance of frequencies and how they affect the quality of our internal life.
So, here’s the practice and I invite you to see how it resonates for you. Also, I’ve chosen two frequencies—love and ease. These may not be the ones that touch you most powerfully, so see what works best for you as you explore this practice. Also, as a side note but a very important one, I think of spiritual teacher David Spangler’s comments about how useful it is to generate frequencies that are inhospitable to qualities we would rather not have in our lives and experience. That’s why it’s important for you to choose the frequencies that resonate most powerfully for you, in terms of what qualities you seek to experience internally.
Read More “908th Week: Practicing with Frequencies“